Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

oblgny, At the risk of appearing petty, the 3.5's come with an external equalizer or bass booster not a cross-over. Though the smooth impedance rise with it's insertion mitigates its total demand on amplifiers, it does put added demands on amplifiers none the less. The point being, extra power can be quite beneficial with these particular speakers.

It appears as though you might be able to use the Primare i22 with the 3.5's if you aren't using the tape loop for anything else.

Though it was some time ago, and the state of Class D amps might have progressed since then, Jim Thiel once told me that Class D amps were only suitable for subwoofers, and not competitive with traditional amps further up the frequency range.

If you like to try different gear with your Thiel 3.5's, I suggest you consider some iron fists in a velvet glove old school high out
put big iron: Krell, Threshold, etc.

Not petty at all regarding my misnaming the Thiel eq.  Part of my pair's provenance, as related to me by the fellow member whom I bought them from,  is the possibility that Jim himself handled the eq when it was sent back for a very minor service. The route you suggested just doesn't work  - we went over everything and decided I'd give it back for a full refund and I'd get the amp instead. 

So so far as "old iron" goes...does a Conrad Johnson  MF200 qualify?  I had this going as well through my ARC LS 3 ss preamplifier - noice, indeed!

Even though Jim eschewed the class d category I'm still forging ahead with the Primare amp, which will undoubtedly have me looking for a nice tube preamplifier - a set up I'd used before with the 3.5's. That was a Pass Labs X150.5 with an ARC LS 2 pre - perhaps the best I had.  C'est la vie ... But the Thiels remain. 

I suppose the MF200 would sort of qualify. I'm a fan of c-j ss. I ran an MF 80 with CS 2's (Thiel's easiest load) when I had a smaller room years ago. The c-j's don't quite double down the same way, and the bass isn't quite as tight. A small bit of c-j warmth coloration seeps through, but that isn't exactly unwelcome with these older Thiels. The c-j ss amps match very nicely with most tube pres as well. C-j's own ss pres are quite nice too. BTW, I found the Goertz Alpha-Core MI series cables to work beautifully with c-j and Thiel.

I keep an eye on Class D, though I haven't heard all the latest. Conceptually I love the idea,  and while there are differences amongst them, I find the treble curious on all of them. Is it because I'm not used to such a clean presentation, or are they lacking in harmonic extension? I'm not really sure. What little there is of published measurements are not especially encouraging. I hope I can look forward to your sharing  your impressions of them, especially with the 3.5's!

Funny,  I'm not getting that CJ "warmth" from the 200 as much as I did when I had the MF2100 a few years back,  but then I was also using a CJ preamplifier - I forget the model number - that,  I think,   imparted that perception of warmth.  I've been hooked on Audio Research for my preamplifiers ever since.  For me they seem to mate well with just about anything I've hooked up to it,  the only exception being a Musical Fidelity amp which was so colored it makes a CJ look like its black and white.

As the contributors to this post know,  "Thiels reveal" - everything in the chain associated with driving them.  I'm SO bloody sorry that I sold my Pass Labs X150.5 I can't begin to tell you.  Unfortunately the price has pretty much skyrocketed new/used or refurbed - double what I paid Mark at Reno Hifi for mine currently!

As my previous post documented I returned the Primare because I could not use it with my Thiel's eq.  I NEVER return anything.  I was offered a pair of Paradigm Prestige 95F's from my dealer at a silly price,  and though very tempted I refused.  

The only way I will part with these is when someone can pry them from my cold,  dead hands!