Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
Electrons carry charge, whereas the music signal is an electromagnetic EM wave so it (the signal) must travel in a conductor at near lightspeed. In order to travel at that speed the wave must be, physically, photons, not electrons. The electrons in the conductor only travel what a meter an hour or something. If the audio signal wasn't light speed you would hear a pretty big delay for normal phone conversations, no?
Wow. Just wow.

So are you saying that there is no current flow in a vacuum tube or a transistor? That its all photons? or does the the photon flow turn into electron flow once it hits the tube? Wow.
Not sure why you're putting words in my mouth. No, I’m not saying that. Wow.
The 'why' is I was simply dealing very directly with the statement you made which I quoted above so the context is very immediate. Here it is again:

Electrons carry charge, whereas the music signal is an electromagnetic EM wave so it (the signal) must travel in a conductor at near lightspeed. In order to travel at that speed the wave must be, physically, photons, not electrons. The electrons in the conductor only travel what a meter an hour or something. If the audio signal wasn't light speed you would hear a pretty big delay for normal phone conversations, no?
This suggests that you think the audio signal is traveling in the form of photons. Obviously to do that, eventually the signal has to arrive at a tube or a transistor, in order for a stereo amp or preamp to do its job; therefore the **only** logical conclusion one can draw from your statement is that you think the tube or transistor must have photon flow too!

I think you know that is not the case; giving you that benefit of the doubt how is it that you square the fact that tubes and transistors have current flow but somehow the wires that attach to them only have photon flow??

IOW, what's wrong with this picture?

You are correct that electrons don't flow very quickly in a conductor. The reason that the signal travels much faster is easily seen if you think of a hose filled with marbles- the hose representing the wire and the marbles representing the electrons. If you put a marble in the input of the hose another immediately (at light speed) pops out the other side. In practice not the same electron you put in but it does the same work.

IOW, signals do not propagate through any audio cable in the form of photons, unless that cable is a fiber optic. And the signal does indeed move much faster than the electrons.
OK, let’s review the bidding.

The audio signal is not the same thing as charge.

The electrons in the conductor move very slowly.

The audio signal moves VERY rapidly. It moves at near light speed in a conductor.

What do we know of that can move at light speed in a vacuum and near light speed in a conductor? An electromagnetic wave. But an electromagnetic wave is not nothing. It must be made of something. We already know it’s not made of electrons since electrons don’t move very fast at all, a centimeter per minute or whatever. What else could it possibly be? Well, for one thing we know that ALL electromagnetic waves, including light (both visible and invisible), radio frequencies of all types, x-rays, gamma rays, and Extremely Low Frequency waves travel at light speed and must be made of SOMETHING. They can’t be made of nothing, right? Well, here we come to the grand finale. The only thing we know of that travels at light speed and near light speed depending on medium is drum roll, please.....photons! And the reason photons can travel at the speed of light is they have no mass, as you yourself pointed out. If a particle has mass it can never attain light speed.

So, the audio signal, the one that’s traveling at light speed is made of photons.

Geof by your logic then photons are how a NEwton's Cradle works too.   They never taught us that in physics class!  You should write a book!'s_cradle

Electrons  and teh signal in the wires do seem to work just like a Newton's Cradle.

Geoff your logic is fine.  Problem is it is based on missing facts.   Logic is pretty useless based on missing or incorrect facts.   Write your book and fill us all in.   Or save time and just publish  a link to the proper reference. 

Or if you really don't know don't act like you do.