Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
Turns out signals in cables don't travel at the speed of light anyway:

It would appear that Geoff has opened a new branch of physics.

If you can slow down photons to the degree upon which he insists then its not necessary to get something going at the *full* speed of light to actually *go* the speed of light :) Doesn't it sound like that could have some impact on space travel?

Atmosphere, there you go again, putting words in my mouth. I never said they did travel at the speed of light in cables. Actually I went out of my way to explain the difference between the speed of an EM wave in a vacuum and one in cables. You might not remember that Einstein found the speed of light was constant - in a vacuum. I hate to judge before all the facts are in but I’m beginning to suspect your reading comprehension skill is quite possibly as rusty as your physics.

Mapman wrote,

"Geof by your logic then photons are how a NEwton’s Cradle works too. They never taught us that in physics class! You should write a book!’s_cradle

Electrons and teh signal in the wires do seem to work just like a Newton’s Cradle.

Geoff your logic is fine. Problem is it is based on missing facts. Logic is pretty useless based on missing or incorrect facts. Write your book and fill us all in. Or save time and just publish a link to the proper reference.

Or if you really don’t know don’t act like you do."

Uh, so you’re hanging your hat on a demonstration of the conservation of energy in some wild attempt to win the argument? In the first place you’re putting words in my mouth by claiming I believe photons work like Newton’s Cradle. I would probably not say that but give me a few days and I’ll get back to you. Let me guess. You’re an English major, right? No reason to get your panties in a twist over this.  Try to lighten up.

I never said they did travel at the speed of light in cables.

Really? Wut up?:

As I said previously RFI/EMI is light speed due to the photons involved whilst the other - magnetic field - is stationary.
The audio signal moves VERY rapidly. It moves at near light speed in a conductor.

Sure looks like you said that to me.

I don't think you realize how much you've painted yourself into a corner- on the one hand you seem to get that magnetic fields can impinge themselves onto a cable, OTOH you say that a signal passes through a cable via photons (which won't be influenced by said magnetic fields). Ya can't have it both ways...