Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
You did. But you know of course being clear only gets one so far sometimes....
Atmosphere wrote,

"Of course, none of this is really possible, because signals **don't** travel in cables in the form of photons (which is of course ridiculous) and also not because of quantum :)! Of course I've been having some fun with this!"

But not as much fun as I have.

" I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral."

I can claim anything I want.   Doesn't make it true.   

How about we meet in the middle and just say some things are more neutral than others?  Then we can all move on.    i will go back to plowing my fields with the mules and working on that Nobel prize someday though I fear time is running out for me  :^)