Speaker Choice ?

My family room size is (18feet width) (22feet length )
(20feet tall)speakers will face length measurement.
speaker price looking used around 5000.00 whats my best choice. What tube amp with your speaker choice.
Thanks for resurrecting a thread that is now close to a full year old.  I wonder if the OP got his new speakers by now?  

Oh, stop the bullying and censorship and get back to listening. Just because you want to believe you speak for others doesn't mean you do.    

I'm well aware of the age of the post, and have noticed others on Audiogon who prefer to respond to worthwhile posts long after the last posting. Why? Possibly because it's the first time they saw the post? Maybe they have something to say (hopefully worthwhile)? Maybe the post is relevant to them and others NOW? Maybe most people just don't care as much as you do?

If Audiogon decides to leave a post open then it's OPEN. Regarding this post:

- it's a general topic about speakers in a big room - a lot of people are interested in this topic even if they don't have a big room
- the comments here can be applied to anyone asking the same question EVERY DAY. In that sense this one never ends

See what you did? Got me all kinds of fired up. I think I'll search on McIntosh now and re-resurrect all those re-resurrections that are overdue. Better bring your posse. 

Golden Ear Triton One. And you can get a new pair let alone used at the $5000 mark. I use solid state so I am in no position to recommend anything in the tube amp world. I can tell you the Triton's are good-very efficient (92db) so should be easy on the tubes. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Sandy Gross, President of Golden Ear, uses a tube setup with his Triton's.
See what you did? Got me all kinds of fired up. I think I’ll search on McIntosh now and re-resurrect all those re-resurrections that are overdue

Sorry to have got you all worked up brother. That’s wasn’t my intention. But it was you who decided to climb on a soapbox over something I said a year ago. Not me. And I did say thanks too.

Moving forward, I will try and remember others sensitivities when offering sage advice. I hope your day gets better.

HazyJ is right when saying opinions can narrow down a search. I would literally have to travel the U.S.A. to audition all the speakers I'm interested in. Everything I read has helped me in my searches for better gear.