Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
Why do you talk about subroutines when all analog?   

Makes no sense.   


Why do you talk about subroutines when all analog?
I have been a computer programmer for years and what I have found is that if you see the functionality of a circuit as a task unto itself - I consider it a subroutine that can be accessed to generate the response needed by the calling circuit which is the core signal handler. It is important to keep in mind this is pure analog that can act so quickly it is "near" digital". This concept stems from the smallest trigger event being able to shift the velocity by parts per billion (nano-degrees).This matches the detection levels reported by the velocity detectors which use quantum physics to generate extremely high gains.

The support template surrounding the core circuit has many power supplies. Each subroutine has its own supply to maintain purity.


I have been a computer programmer for 30 years.  

Talking about out subroutines and objects in the context of an analog electrical device may be a nice analogy but serves little purpose except to muddy the waters with tech talk IMHO.    

Having read the white paper I also do do not understand what the speed of sound in air Mach 1 has to do with the speed of an electrical signal in a circuit or why it matters.    

I have not heard the products so I have no idea how they sound but if truly as innovative as claimed it should not take long for word to get out I guess. 

The Mach One speed is of course the velocity of the "wave" part of the sound wave.The details of each sound object is embedded in the instantaneous pressure which is seen on the vertical axis. The frequencies contained in the rich harmonic structure of each instrument is totally dependent on the delivery speed as being constant (seen on the horizontal axis as time domain). If the velocity slows down or speeds up then each and all instruments are shifted up or down the spectrum together by an amount of offset that stands out to the ear-brain system as "not real".
The entire performance has acoustic relativity - meaning if one instrument drifts in location, they are all drifting together.

It does by the way shift up and down the spectrum. This is how energy from the fundamental input signal appears (as distortion) a full octave away as the first harmonic.

My process does not have the problem of shifting anywhere because it is fully locked by the shift countermeasures implemented as nano-degrees of phase shift. It has a capture range of 0.07 nano volts max deviation.

It therefore has no mechanism in place to produce harmonic distortion.

Mapman, the speakers cannot reproduce the sound waves you would have heard had you been at the recording sessions if some frequencies get to the drivers before others.

With the H-Cat X-10 MkIII, this cannot happen.