Class "A" phono cartridge discussion.

I would like to have a discussion about what cartridges are class A. Stereophile has their list but I can't help thinking there is probably a lot left out.

Last year I traded my Delos for a used EMT TSD15 because the TSD 15 was listed as class A in Stereophile. I love the TSD 15. It is the best cartridge I have heard. But I will probably have to re tip it soon. $1250 for a re tip is expensive but I will be able to do it when I have to. Moving to anything else from here is just too cost prohibitive. Three to ten thousand for a class A cartridge is just probably not going to happen. Although Miyajima sounds enticing to me. Maybe some day. The funny thing about the TSD 15 is it has been around for decades and I'd never really heard much about it until recently.

 I'm curious if there are other classic cartridges that are class A that can be had for less than the upper echelon price? Maybe we can start a list.

The funny thing about the Stereophile list is that you have to go to a $7000 Lyra, $4800 Sound smith for Class A in those brands. There are currently no ZYX, no Dynavectors and no Shelters on the list despite being popular brands.

I do have a ZYX Yatra and had a Delos. The TSD 15 is better than both. 
The ART-9 in my system has beaten some very well regarded $4-$5k cartridges. I have also heard the TSD-15 many times, in different systems but not my own system. The commonality between the TSD-15 and ART-9 is both of them are very lively and dynamic. I prefer the ART-9 because it is more refined than the TSD and also it is more neutral. It times better than the TSD. The TSD does not dissappear, you always hear it. But the ART-9 disappears.
Lewm, I wouldn't leave anything out unless it is unobtanium.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. Keep them comming.
The ART-9 is an excellent cartridge with very solid separation numbers and a very stable soundstage.  Fast, clean, very good sound.  
The problem is for any Class A recommendation the cartridge compliance and mass has to match the arms effective mass and resonance control plus do not forget the adjustment capabilities of the arm.
There are any number of posters hating and loving cartridges simply because of a good or bad arm match.  Without knowledge of your arm it is hard to make a Class A recommendation.

Dear siranthony: Normally class A cartrridges are the ones each one of us own.

Now, why should you hange your EMT when you are satisfied?: maybe you want something different but if not then just re-tipped directly with EMT.

If you want something really good but diferent then you have some options here:

all these cartridges are top performers and can be mated with several tonearms.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Just to spice up this discussion, I am going to disagree with Raul on the Benz LPS.  I have an extensive experience listening to it on my neighbor's system, and I am quite familiar with the sound of his system using other cartridges over a period of several years.  I find the Benz LPS to be very "meh".  Compared to it, for example, the ZYX UNIverse, the first version, kicked butt on his system.  He has two LPSs and offered to sell me one for a very reasonable cost; I declined.  Benz LPS is not in my own private A category.  In fact, why not a ZYX UNI on the A list?  And for sure would one not have to include the Lyra Olympos or at least one of the top line Lyra's?  I also am and have been very fond of the better Transfiguration cartridges; very neutral without losing the excitement of music.  I know Raul likes them too.  We could have a separate A list for MM cartridges with MI types lumped in.

And I have a question for Raul:  Do you like the Ortofon Windfield better than the top line Ortofons that came before and after it?  Ortofon makes and has made some very fine cartridges, but it is not my impression that progress over time is linear in the upward direction.  Or are you just pointing out some "good" cartridges that are currently up for sale here on Audiogon?