should i go with kt150's now or wait a bit??

simple question folk's,    I have two jolida 502 amps running in mono.  kt120 tube's with about 200 hours. just broken in lets say.  this is almost going on two years now so I guess Im not listening as much as I should be. I will take care of that!!    the amps are running the top end of my infinity 1b speaker panel's.   mid's and high's.  no bass work here. so the question is is it worth installing kt150's at this point in time.    for $600, I would need eight of them, what kind of improvement in sound would I get.  with just 200 hrs on 120's would you run them a little longer to at least get some use out of them.   everybody like's the 150's for the solid bass they get out of them but I would not see that running the mid/tweeter panel.   what would you guy's do if you had the $600 ready to go??  (don't answer that)   can we assume in time the 150's price will drop a little more and just wait it out .   I know it's such a tough decision here, just help me out ok. thanks
want to be more specific on that dweller.   you said i need more confidence. well i spent the big bucks and installed a set of the big and fancy kt150's.  one amp shut down in an hour.  so now what am i supposed to do??   hope for the best and its never going to happen again.  a friend of mine said to me a few years back when i was asking about getting a tube amp tube trouble. you know, i think he's right. had about 10 different ss amp's over the past 30 years, never any problems.  now i have problem's, go figure.   ok, so the jolida is not $10,000 bucks but it should be good enough to work without shutting down every hour.  tomorrow is another day.  the amps go on in the morning, the bias will be checked on all 8 tubes to 500mv like they want. throwing in a cd, crank it up and let see what it could do. i dare it to shut down again.  so there,   big tom here
folk's,   amps ran for 3 hours today.  all ok.   so with 4 hours on the kt 150 tubes all i can say for now is they sound good.  nothing spectacular here.  its a funny thing but when i change out gear to me there are always little improvements here and there.  not the big changes i read about in just about every post on audio sites. i think its just a little to much bs on most peoples part. yes, everything sounds different but to hear huge amounts of differences????    maybe folks want to hear a big difference because of the money spent.  to me,  it just seems to almost sound the same.  something different here and there  but no big WOW   the bass is tighter,  the mids are smother,, the high's are higher.  my amp came with 6550's  they sounded good.  put in 120's  they sounded good.  maybe a little better,hard to really hear. now 150's, they sound good also.  can i say they sound twice as good as the 120's?   no,  not right now anyway. am i expecting a big improvment down the road.  according to everybody who has 150's i am.  we'll just wait and see.   to me you want a change in sound, change out your speakers. that will do it. 
Don't forget the 753 hour break-in period (heh…). I can sympathize regarding sonic attributes of tube swaps as the differences are obviously subjective and often subtle. After all, it's the same amp…I can say that the 150s in my 502 have stayed absolutely static (no sonic degradation I can hear) over thousands of hours, and I rarely adjust the bias (generally only when it "seems" unbalanced, but this likely has more to do with the unstable electricity in my house, and my propensity to fiddle and burn my fingers). I expect thousands of hours more from these tubes as my 120s lasted longer than I expected anyway…we shall see…Also, I wonder why they don't produce a gold pin version of these things.
i hear you wolf.   750 hours to go.   i have my amps (four of them) on a dedicated 30 amp line (no problems with power here).   bias held good today, no adjusting. you know i spoke to mike and another feller at jolida about bias levels and was told you can go 600mv's no problem if you want to.  thats with the 150's.  said it wouldent hurt a thing, just give them a little more kick.  i tend to run a little over the 500mv level.  all at about 550.  i can sure say the 150's look nice.  not sure why one amp shut down the other day after a hour but if it dosent happen again that would be great. 

Hey Big Tom. Sorry to hear about your trouble. Most of my high-end adventures involved tube amps (ARC Classic 60, VT-100, Vt-100 III, Almarro 205A & 318A). I've switched tube tube front-end and SS main amp as I feel tubes homogenize the sound and make everything too smooth (even when it shouldn't be). These KT150s have me interested in tube amps once again and I may try in the future.

I've never had problems with tube performance. When I traded the VT-100 for the MkIII, the dealer told me that one of the tubes wasn't working due to a blown transistor. I didn't notice anything wrong with the sound.

My hell-pit is mounting phono cartridges -almost went crazy when the phono lead broke off and no one in this country wanted to fix it (including the manufacturer). So don't feel picked on (by fate) we all have crosses to bear.

Good luck...