I heard the new D'Agostino Progression 800w monoblocks last night

Last night was the 11th Music Matters event at Seattle's Definitive Audio.

Here's a pic of Dan D'Agostino with his monoblocks, and flanked by the very new Wilson Alexx.

Facebook picture of Dan at the event

This was a true premier event. Dan Wilson and Dan D'Agostino were still doing final soldering on their respective units the weekend before this event.

The monoblocks are around 170 lbs ea (IIRC), and make 800/1600/3200/6400 watts into 8/4/2/1 ohm respectively.

This was a new experience for me--to hear audio playback with NO discernible ceiling on power. Completely unfettered dynamic range. Of course, these not only have incredible brute power, but also incredible finesse, with very natural timbres, unfailingly musical presentation, and subterranean bass extension. To my audio memory, they made the $100K Alexx's sound much like the $200K XLFs I heard a few years earlier.

They played music from digital sources and also from LPs played on an AMG turntable. All sounded great. D'Agostino also featured a phono preamp and a great line stage as well. 

Good to read that you had a fun time. I hope to attend one of these Music Matters events someday.
I have no doubt that the Progression 800W monos were sublime!  D'agostino rules!  
I concur with "goose".  
I continue, over and over (at least six different occasions/systems) to hear that super annoying spike on the top end of Wilson's. I keep thinking it's me, but it happens over and over.
Dan gets props for design aesthetic, and since the demand for uber expensive stuff is seemingly bottomless he's positioned his comeback smartly. I can relate to the "back at home" comment…the few times in recent years I've visited a high end shop where I could actually listen to some pricey gear, I've come home to my more real world hybrid heap and thought, "yeah, this is good."
How much are these amps for a pair of them?  Did they the silver or the gold/black ones?

These amplifier's are $45,000.00 for the pair,  and yes,  they come in black or silver, I don't believe they come in gold/black being the heat sink's are aluminum in place of copper that is on the Momentum amplifier's.  Cheers