Best 3 channel amplifiers under $750?

Any recommendations for the best new or used 3 channel amplifiers for under $750?
Emotiva's new Receiver is Made in the USA, but you are correct the Amplifiers are not.
I just checked on the Emotiva site and it clearly says made in China on the back of the Emotiva receiver, the Fusion 8100. It does not say anywhere made in USA. I'm not sure where that idea came from, but it's wrong.
Find yourself a used Parasound HCA-2003A. Or if you can up your budget a bit - an Aragon 8008X3. The older stuff is where it's at....

Emotiva's yet to be released XMC-1 AV Preamp will be manufactured in the United States. You seem to get really annoyed by any positive comment about Emotiva.
09-24-14: Matti
"Find yourself a used Parasound HCA-2003A. Or if you can up your budget a bit - an Aragon 8008X3. The older stuff is where it's at...."

And to add to that list, an Acurus A200x3. I currently have one in my main system and have owned and sold another of the 1st generation 200X3. Either are wonderful amps especially to anchor your front soundstage in your HT rig.
