Best DAC for CD redbook playback from a PS Audio Perfectwave transport

I just purchased a PS Audio PWT and will use it to listen to redbook CDs. I've read that the best playback is with an I2S hdmi cable. So, a suitable dac would be one with an I2S input, such as either a Wyred4Sound dac or a PS Audio PWD. But, if it's just for redbook CD playback, can I suffice with an older MK1 version or do the updated versions (which I presume are primarily geared toward improving computer based systems) also significantly improve CD SQ? Again, it's just for CD playback.
I have to agree with Robert Deutsch in his assessment of the PWT.  It has consistently outperformed the transport sections of CD players in direct comparison I've heard.  It is a top tier transport for Redbook CD sound quality. 
Thanks Charles,

PS Audio told me that they were so confident about the DSD Junior that review units were sent out simultaneously with the product launch, instead of before launching. The Junior was launched in February and it takes a few months to review a product so we should have reviews by the summer.
I had the perfect wave mkII and upgraded to the Directstream. It's almost night and day. The DSD is the first time I've heard a DAC that sounds (almost) like analog. 
This is easy - the very best you can get is the Stahltek Vekian, or Opus, or Opus Prime DACs.  Unfortunately, all are megabuck.  But you can rarely pick up a used Stahltek for something in the vicinity of 10K. The Aria is more affordable and give most of the performance, but have never seen one on the used market. 

Ordered a PWT yesterday with a DS Junior and should (hopefully) get it next week. Can't wait :-)))))))))))