Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
At used or demo price- they are a steal. There is much useful data in this thread- which model interests you?
I have had Thiels since '83 starting with a pair of 03a's & a PS Audio Elite integrated Amp. I progressed through 2.2's, 2.3''s and then to 2.4's to which I added a Krell fpb 300 amp, which was wonderful. As a truly sick audiophile, I was not content with perfection, and couldn't resist adding a pair of CS 5's. The Krell did just fine, but oh no, I had to twist off and get a CAT Amplifier, a beast with 1000 plus amps into a 4 ohm load. But it had a damn noisy fan, So I traded both to an audiophile in San Antonio, for a pair of Altec Onken horns and a tube amp and Transcendent tube pre.  That ended the arms race, and I have a really smooth system. I still had the 2.4's, which I sold to a guy in Dallas, who is a happy happy camper.  Thing is, I now am developing a "no Thiels" twinge and feel lost without a pair of Thiels in my system.
So, thing is, I am wondering if I should get a pair of CS6's on the Gon, or get some 7's on US Audio...But what am I going to do with those really nice (and big!) Onken Altecs!
I need help. 

Thanks! for sharing- michaeljbrown.

I have been thinking about a Krell amp for my Thiel speakers.
Which one?
I finally received the BAT VK3i preamplifier back from the good folks at Audio Den here in beautiful downtown Lake Grove. Along with it I also purchased my last set of Transparent input connects so now I'm 100% Transparent on everything - except the Marantz TT-15 turntable which has proprietary cables built in. 

My initial impression is that this is a very laid-back preamplifier. I tossed Ginger Baker's "Cyril Davies" into it and heard imaging better than my ARC LS 3, but I'm finding the highs a bit reigned in, or reserved?  Build quality is excellent.  I don't know how many hours are on the tubes so I'll be playing with that aspect in the near future.  Hard to tell that this is a used piece - well worth the $1k I paid for it.  As soon as my right arm mends I'm going to toss my CJ MF200 into the mix and see what happens.  Too damn heavy to monkey around with now.  Current amp is a Primare Research A34.2. 

Its all good.  

Dig in, you won't regret owning Thiels.  If at all possible try to locate 'em geographically convenient since even the smaller models are HEAVY.  My CS 3.5's are a permanent fixture even though I've had Magnepan,. Von Schweikert...all very good speakers but...I return to them above all.  (I just listened to the new Magnepan 1.7i and .7 last week.  I really like the .7 better.). I'm thinking about a used pair for sale here on the site...just for kicks, a complement to my system not a replacement. 

I got my 3.5's from a fellow member here for a pittance, actually the least expensive piece of equipment I own. Just make sure to inspect all the drivers visually if possible. I've seen too many models here and elsewhere with mid ranges suffering from dry rot, dented dust caps on the woofers, dimpled tweeters.  The 3 different models I've owned all came with the instructions to leave the grills on for listening.