I'm a Consumer Reports sort of guy. Is there a pla

Being a Consumer Reports sort of person, I was wondering if there is a place( magazine,internet, book, etc ) that reports unbiased info on repair history with regards to the most reliable amps,pre,etc.

If outstanding reliability is paramount in your quest, then take Shadorne's advice and look for who has a reasonably long track record and offers the best warranty. Sonics aside, Bryston is hard to beat for backing up their products. Can't ask for much more than two decades of warranty. I've not heard any Bryston products in my journey, however, so I can't comment on how they sound.
Another brand that pays a lot of attention to reliability and sound engineering is Music Reference. Their owner/designer Roger Modjeski sounds off frequently about the compromised reliability and poor design he sees in audio products.
Try HIFI Critic. They accept no adverts. I have a scrip; it's spendy but no ads and zero bias. 
I seriously doubt that Consumer Reports reviews any high end gear, although it's been a while since I've cared about those guys (my toaster works fine). Forums like these are generally a better source I suppose but often it's the fails that get noticed and that can skew the perception of what's reliable. I am amazed after decades of gear use and abuse that pretty much everything works so well…I've had reliability issues only a few times with any of the various hifi and pro gear things I've used, and when I've checked with other owners of the same items I find I'm often the only one with issues with a particular piece of gear. If crappy service is noticed by an owner it often gets some space around here big time, and that should help provide some direction toward better built gear.