Beware of PayPal fees

I live in Israel. I have recently purchased an audio item from Europe. I agreed with the seller that I would pay his PayPal fees. When I checked initially about the fees I read something like 3.4%. To my astonishment they charged him (me) 5.2% with all sorts of extra fees. Beware!      
The other charges are the conversion rates changing currency. 3 to 4% is the part you should be concerned with. What a rip off.
Thanks! for sharing taviran.
this is a text-book example of why I would never use a so-called service like praypal.
We must post both positive and negative experiences when dealing w/ these companies.
Aside from extra fees due to currency conversion with international sales, PayPal in the U.S. is very simple with a fee of 2.9% of the transaction plus 30 cents.

Now whether or not that's worth it is for each person to decide. But it's a straightforward business transaction and is only a "ripoff" if you don't know the specifics.

Use PayPal or don't use it, either is a valid choice. Just know (aka, research) what you're getting into ahead of time.
I don't buy or sell outside of the continental U.S..

PayPal has worked for me.  Yes the fees are an annoyance, but I like the safety it brings to the transaction.