Wilson Audio Sophia 2 or Goldenear Triton 1

I can get a used pair of Sophia 2's for a litle more than the price of new Triton 1's.
Room is 20'X13', Rogue 90 and Odyssey Stratos amps( will eventually upgrade amps if needed).
I listen primarily to classical music and presently have Odyssey Lorelei speakers, which are terrific, but lack the detain and dynamic range for symphonic music.
Thanks for your insights.
If sharp and froward are what you have in mind then the Wilson's will be just right. Have not heard the Goldenear.

As other have mentioned audition both and let your preferences decide
You will hear a much more tight/coherent presentation from the Wilson, and this likely is the largest difference in the experience between the two. 

When I switched from the Vapor Audio Nimbus White to the Joule White 3 (both reviewed), there was a very pronounced difference in cleanness, tightness of imaging, of the sonic character being cut from the same cloth by all drivers. The quality of the elements used in both were identical, but the driver configuration was different. The Nimbus had a sense of grandness and scale that was caused by the 15" bass driver (versus 11"), and twin midrange drivers, versus one. However, in terms of superior overall sound, the Joule was more clean and focused, which should be expected given the design and cost differential. 

Both sound presentations are legit and wonderfully enjoyable. There are characteristics of each which cannot be duplicated by the other, which is why I love variety in  the hobby. :) 

If cleanness and precision and most valuable to you, then it is no surprise that the Wilson is to your liking. This does not mean that it is inherently superior as a brand - that would only be determined by comparison to like speakers - but that your ear is drawn to the design characteristics. You should go with what your ears like. 

I personally love my sophia 2s and find them to match well with the Ayre 5 20th anniversary series.   Wireworld cables.
The audition was outstanding and I purchased the Sophia 2's.
I am using them with a Rogue stereo 90 and they are very clean and musical with a bass that is deeper and better defined than I expected.