Why Are There So Many Audio Research Reference 5SE's For Sale

Been looking for a tubed preamp with high quality balance capabilities. Was looking at the Ref 5SE's but there seems to be many available. Generally when you see that there is some kind of issue. Sometimes they want to move up the line to the latest or they just arent that good. Case in point when was the last VAC Signature you saw out here. The good stuff seems to be rare and when they show they go fast. Comments and recommendations welcome.

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I have really good equipment, but would trade any of it for most AR stuff, except the cost and the tube maintenance. 
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Simple reason: ARC "upgrades" their pre’s every ten minutes, thus impairing the resale value of the ARC pre you own unless you pay for the upgrade. In contrast, a company like VTL, whose 7.5 iii pre I happily own, upgrades their models every few YEARS, and only when there are significant improvements to be made.

Different business models. I know which one I prefer. No disrespect for ARC intended.

Not remotely true at all Neal.  ARC upgrades about every 3 years and if you've read any of the reviews about their latest offerings you'd realize the upgrades are significant. Sounds like you are just a big fan of VTL and want to continue to feel good about your choice in equipment... The fact is ARC enjoys one of the highest used retail values of any manufacturer.
Iv compared the Arc 40th to Purity Audio Gear and preferred the Purity Audio. Its not well known and i don't know how well secondhand units go for but they are better value bought brand new compared to even second hand arc gear.  

Purity was more transparent and more musical. The arc gear is good but the price on new is defo not worth it. Mind you lots of second hand ones up for sale and sometimes just sometimes you can get one at a great price.
There are numerous versions/models of the Purity Audio line stage. Which particular model are you referring to in comparison to the ARC 40th Anniversary ?