Herron VTPH-2

So I recently performed some tweaks on my analog system such as cartridge alignment, VTA, and adding some Rega white belts to my Rega P7 TT and all of these made slight improvements. However what really made me hear the difference was my Herron VTPH-2 phono stage, hence why I made the tweaks. It has about one month on it and it has slowly opened up to now where the music is transparently intimate especially with good recordings. What I love about this phono stage is that it allows me to hear the music differently, allowing subtle notes in the background that I have heard before become a little more alive. So I am not hearing new things but hearing them differently for the better as well as the main instrumentation. So high ratings go to Keith and this phono stage especially at the price point.  

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Glad to hear you are enjoying your VTPH-2. I've had mine for years now and I never grow tired of listening to my LPs. I went through a few different well regarded phono stages, both solid state and tube, before trying and falling in love with the Herron. I've recently made some changes to my system and each move has only confirmed my respect for Keith. A few months back I upgraded from an AT OC9MLII to an AT ART 9--an amazing cartridge whose potential is fully realized by the Herron. FWIW, Keith's VTSP-3A linestage has received some very worthwhile improvements and is now offered as an R03 version. Last month I sent mine back to Keith for the upgrades and am VERY pleased with the results. I have long been a fan of this unit, finding it far superior to a variety of other tube line stages that I've heard/had in my system. The R03 upgrades take it to the next level in terms of staging, detail and dynamics. Together the VTPH-2 and VTSP-3A make a fantastic team and I would encourage anyone in the market for a line stage to give one a try.
thanks for the informative post. Overall I am happy with my system but I am looking to take the amplification up to another level to better compliment my speakers. Perhaps the VTSP-3A should be next...I see that you are using a Modwright for 
I replaced the stock Ei tubes with NOS Telefunkens and felt they improved the unit with regards to inner detail and transparency. Excellent phono stage. 
