Time for a new 2 channel amplifier - looking for suggestions

I’m currently running a pair of restored Klipsch Chorus II speakers on a Rotel RB-1080. I loved this amp when it was connected to my Vandersteen 2CE sigs, but it’s never felt right with the Chorus II’s. My plan is to move the Rotel back to the setup with my Vandersteens, so I need something for the Chorus II’s.

I’m not interested in going with tubes. I just want to throw that out there since it’s a common suggestion for these speakers. I’d like to stay around $1000, and I’m not against buying used. I’d like something around 100 watts/channel. I do play my Chorus II’s loud from time to time.

A couple things I’m currently considering.

1) Restored vintage Yamaha B-2 VFET amplifier
2) Parasound Halo A23
3) ??
4) ???

Thoughts on the above or alternate suggestions?

Anthem integrated is worth a look. Discontinued now, but some stock may remain. It’s a quiet, capable and dynamic instrument.
If you have a preamp, an Edge is very nice. Drives difficult speakers easily. I might even sell mine(!).
And I like the Parasound.
All of those should make your Klipsch's happy.
"what do you like about the acurus sound?"

Just about everything.  Dead quiet, cool running, detailed, neutral, and oh yes I almost forgot, the bass drive.  Kind of like the suggested Anthem from the previous post.

Try a NuPrime IDA-8. I compared this integrated to the highly regarded Hegel H-80 driving Paradigm 95fs and was impressed. Ended up with the Hegel (seemed slightly more "organic", almost tube-like), The two amps were very similar in terms of soundstage, bass control and smoothness- close enough that I have occasional second thoughts (especially since the NuPrime is half the cost!). The IDA-8 had great dynamics and was dead & I mean dead quiet. NuPrime has a good return policy if you don't feel it works in your system.