Bookshelf speakers on a budget

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. However I'm on a budget in the $400-$500 range; I know this is a low dollar amount but it's all I can afford right now. If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate them.

If you are willing to purchase used check out the SS integrateds offered here on AG. 
You bet. Have fun learning, but in the end it's not difficult to put together a nice little system. My girlfriend's system:

2 Mission standmounts w/stands (used on Craigslist)

lepai 2020 t amp (Amazon)

bluetooth receiver (Amazon)

Cost was less $125 for everything.

Plugged the amp and Bluetooth receiver in behind a chair with volume at 50% and hooked up the speakers a few feet apart.

She's never seen the amp, etc. She plays Pandora and controls volume via Bluetooth from her phone- has it playing everyday.

Learn as you go and buy wisely. This hobby is as simple as her system or as complex and costly as a dedicated listening room with high dollar gear. It's up to you.

Hope you enjoy your new system,

I found this review on the ELAC Debt 6

He seemed to like them better than the Zensor 1's. 

Is this site pretty credible, seems like he put a lot of work into the review.
Probably so, the Elac is well thought of in general. It may be just what you need. I think I could use them and be pretty happy, personally. I have seen the Elac for sale used on here- unless you want the ability to return them.

However, they are not a 'ringer' for your tube amp, as Paraneer pointed out. (They may be fine.) I'd listen to them with a higher powered amp (50wpc or more) before committing to the tube amp purchase.

If you are in a good Craigslist area, look to see if there is anything locally for sale used. A nice seller may be willing to let you bring your speakers over for a demo. From time to time I see solid, older receivers for sale for $50-$100. Some have a phono input and remote.

May not be cutting edge, but you would be listening to music for around $300 or so.

Once you get things up and going you will start to develop some preferences and know better what you want and need. 
