JBL Everest DD67000 vs. Avantgarde Duo Mezzo


I'd like opinions of members who have compared or listened to JBL Everest DD67000 and Avantgarde Duo Mezzo (not the new XD version).

I auditioned Avantgarde Uno Nano in 2011 and really liked it. I don't have any exposure to Avantgarde Duo Mezzo yet. Last week I compared JBL Everest DD67000 against Revel Salon 2 and I liked JBLs much more.

Thus, I am going to choose between JBL Everest DD67000 and Avantgarde Duo Mezzo. 

Please help me by expressing frankly!
Haven’t heard either of those models. At T.H.E Show in Newport, I listened to the AVG Uno XD and the JBL K2 S9900. Both amazing! I was very taken with the JBL. Great midrange heft - w/o being husky. Very musical with much transparency. Vocals, dynamics, and tone were delightful. The JBL engineers obviously have been on a mission - with the company’s financial backing.
I walked into the suite at AXPONA to hear the JBL's already thinking I wasn't going to like them.  What I heard in that suite blew me away.  The JBL Everest DD67000'S driven by Levinson mono blocks were the best speaker I heard at the entire show.  I couldn't believe the presence these speakers had and with all kinds of music. 

If one has the room and money for them, I now what's possible.   So while I never heard the Avantgardes, I can honestly say the JBL Everests are the best speakers I ever heard in my life.  Have fun if you get them.
Haroon. Please advise the ways you felt the JBL's outperformed the Salon 2's. Thanks.
No doubt the JBLs are killer. I've never heard the particular pair mentioned in this thread but have heard some other models and they are typically top notch. Not sure why Harmon chose a model of Everest DD67000'S  though. Seems to me DD75000 would be more appropriate as I believe $75,000 is the MSRP! :)
Thanks for your opinions, please keep them coming.

ptss: JBL DD67000 were extremely dynamic, open, live sounding, effortless...than Revel Salon 2. Salon 2 had better holographic imaging and smother sound than JBL DD67000 but compared to JBL DD67000, Salon 2 sounded slow, boxy (before that I never understood what boxy of a box loudspeakers meant), compressed and closed in.

However, I'd have said the same negative things about any conventional box based dynamic loudspeaker after listening to JBL DD67000, thus, not sure if those shortcomings are fault of Salon 2 or the whole design category.