Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
Yes, Transparent Audio Ultra, Shunyata Cobra, and Cardas Clear. Audioquest Wel Signature cables are way more money than I'm willing to spend on cables; therefore I've never auditioned them.
There is a Wel used on Audiogon. Wilson likes Transparent. Okay, I will figure this out too. many thanks, Ellen 
This was the second time I've tried Transparent Audio. When I had Wilson Audio Sashas I tried Transparent cables. "In my system" they didn't sound natural and I purchased a cable by Silver Audio. Some say Wilson's are great with Transparent and feel they're a natural match because Wilson's are wired internally with Transparent cables. Still many others prefer other cables and that's why you need to audition them!
I wonder how this would sound through the Wilsons.

I believe that the situation when power amp outclasses speakers is better than the other way around. It is probably not easy for any speakers to outclass Lamm and Gryphon, so those amps could be for life. For this life, I mean.
Unlike listening rooms, philosophycal space is unlimited, as far as eye can see. Or as far as ear can hear.