Help me choosing Phono Preamp


I need suggestion in choosing a quality phono stage (SS or tube, new/used) under $3000 to mate with Denon DL-103 cartridge. The cartridge has very low output voltage around 0.18mV. Few pre I considered are Manley Chinook, EAR 834P, Liberty B2B-1, and MF MX-VYNL. All of them seem to require a step up transformer to work with DL-103. I don't like the idea of outboard transformer, and also I want to keep number of boxes as minimum as possible. Is there any outstanding pre out there (full function or stand alone phono stage) with input sensitivity close to 0.15 V to work with DL-103 ? Other qualities of the preamp I am looking for are: utterly transparent, extreme resolution, but not lean/thin/weak in sound, MC and MM both options will be a plus . Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.



I second bdp24.  IMO, nothing tops a Herron VTPH-2.  Even an updated VTPH-1mc will top pretty much anything else out there. 
I just bought a VTPH-2. I've owned a ASR Basis Exclusive and the Alnic 1201. Enjoyed them both. Like the Herron much better than the Alnic and at least as much as the ASR which is double the cost. 
i hope this helps  the new Mk2 phono amps from Tom Evans Audio are great not cheap but fantastic to listen to without added noise

The specs are truly world class, even on the modestly priced Mk2 Groove A, it's signal to noise ratio ( noise and distortion ) is an amazing -114 db @ 68 db of gain !

Ifurther up the range you go the lower the distortion and noise, 50% per model. I just read this recent review (below), from what Jason Kennedy (the editor) said about the way it performs it looks like it's the real deal and he gave it 'best buy' award.
as for Tom being untrustworty he has always helped and if you require an upgrade he will help with that too ,
I third the Allnic 1201 and I haven't found a cartridge it wouldn't drive, also is dead quiet to boot. Contact Albert Porter in Dallas, he advertises here on audiogon and he will deal. Good luck.
Agree--the Herron is awesome. You can configure the gain with different tube combinations. Check with Keith about whether the highest gain configuration will be enough for your cartridge, given your loudspeaker sensitivity and listening preferences.