sub with totem staff

is it ok to put a sub in my system with the totem staff? or should the speakers be monitors? does it need to be a totem sub? do all subs need separate amplification?
thanks guys for the info. no I did not know all of that but I did know where to turn for the answers. my electronics: rogue stereo 90 super magnum, BAT vk3-ix with a CD transport and wadia DAC. will i be able to keep the sub on one setting or will i have to readjust for different volumes? thanks
BTW, Since you have a separate amp and preamp you should get a sub that has a low line level output option.
Here is a manual for the hookup options on many subs!
Have fun!

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I’ve used the skinny Silverline Preludes (even smaller woofers than your Totems) as main speakers for years with REL subs and no room correction other than occasionally having to adjust the output of the RELs a little when a recording is bass heavy (or bass shy). My listening room has a very high sloped ceiling with lots of room for the system to breathe (so to speak), and although my tube main amp is only 65 or so watts per channel, combined with the RELs it has more than enough horsepower (or is it torque?). The RELs (Q150e & Q108e mk II) were purchased used at different times and one is an 8" floor firing and the other is a 10" front…both cost about 200 bucks each (!). Highly recommended, and the REL philosophy of letting the main speakers run full range as designed works for my tastes.