Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225

I currently have a McCormack DNA 225 mated with a VTL 2.5 and Line Magnetic 502 DAC powering my Salk Veracity HT3's. I think it sounds really nice but can definitely have some top end harshness, especially at the volumes I like to listen to.  I consider the Salk's are fairly power hungry in the low end (as confirmed with Jim Salk), can anyone recommend a SS amp with as much grunt as the McCormack in the range of 2K plus or minus.  Sure I would like a Pass or Ayre, but those are way above my price bracket.    I've tried Bel Canto Ref1000 mono's and Van Alstine.  The DNA had a better mid range presentation and better bottom end than both, no comparison.  Any other recommendations shy of the DNA 500, which again is over my price range.
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I should have mentioned that yes I have the room treated - corner traps, approx 10' linear of 4" absorbers on each wall at first reflections and panels behind the speakers.  Thick wool area rug on floor and going to treat ceiling this fall.  I've been thinking of CODA for a while, never heard one though and unfortunately they seem to be difficult to resell if its not my cuppa.  Maybe I'm wrong on that.  A Pass 250 at $2500 would be within budget, just not the .5 version which I understand is considerably more refined sounding.  Again, never heard one.  Wonder how either CODA or Pass would sound compared to the DNA.  Better or just a bit different.  Anyone ever hear both?
Have you tried different tubes in the VTL?  I use a McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe along with a BAT VK-3i and Merlin speakers.  I would not characterize the McCormack as bright in my system and my room but the tubes used in the BAT definitely make a difference.  The RAAL tweeter used by Salk is well-respected but it's known to be quite "transparent."  I suspect its interaction with your room is most of your problem.  It's also possible that the tweeter is revealing issues with the source material as it's not going to be very kind to bad recordings. Dick

Hi Dwolek,

    Remember the Coda boys came from Pass/Threshold,  they have a similar flavor and Coda oem's for Sanders & others with some highly touted amps. 

Not steering you from Pass, but don't be afraid of the Coda.  Went back and looked at the posting that I mentioned.  It was posted by Coda,  I'd call Doug Dale at Coda,  he is very honest and will tell you straight.

Good luck,  Tim