
Which would you prioritise for an upgrade - mono blocks, pre amp or speakers? 
@infection .....I am relaxed Dude!  I've found my speakers/system.....not chasing my tail and all over the board like you appear to be.  Advice or opinions, doesn't seem to matter as you seem to listen to neither!  Good luck, cause you're going to need it I believe.  Regards......

What...?? I'm not 'chasing my tail'. 
You need to remember what I've said - 

I will mention again that there is nothing wrong with the sound of my current system; it's very enjoyable. The situation is primarily capitalising on the opportunity of a very good deal but requires a possible compromise.
I say possible as I may be able to replace the GamuTs with a similar performing alternative. 

@infection ....why don't we call it a truce?  I simply started out giving you my advice/opinions regarding my experience with Tannoys based on my listening room and my tastes in an effort to try and help.  Before I knew it, it turned into a back and forth about your amps.  I don't recall saying a bad thing about your Gamuts yet it seemed to me that's the way you perceived it.  Hell, I've never even heard them.  Hey we both have Tannoys so we've that much in common.  Let us know what you decide.  Regards......

If it was me, I would only sell the device that I want to replace.  if I'm happy with my amps and pre-amp, and wanted to upgrade my speakers, then that and that alone would be what I would be concentrating on.

I would slowly save enough money to purchase the new speakers, taking into consideration the amount I would make selling the other speakers.

I would not start from scratch with new amps and pre-amps when I am happy with them.

concentrate on the speakers only. (my opinion).

If, after you get the new speakers (hopefully matched to your existing gear), you feel the need to upgrade the amp, then do so at your own pace.

One item at a time.  Plan for it and budget that way.
