
Which would you prioritise for an upgrade - mono blocks, pre amp or speakers? 
@infection ....why don't we call it a truce?  I simply started out giving you my advice/opinions regarding my experience with Tannoys based on my listening room and my tastes in an effort to try and help.  Before I knew it, it turned into a back and forth about your amps.  I don't recall saying a bad thing about your Gamuts yet it seemed to me that's the way you perceived it.  Hell, I've never even heard them.  Hey we both have Tannoys so we've that much in common.  Let us know what you decide.  Regards......

If it was me, I would only sell the device that I want to replace.  if I'm happy with my amps and pre-amp, and wanted to upgrade my speakers, then that and that alone would be what I would be concentrating on.

I would slowly save enough money to purchase the new speakers, taking into consideration the amount I would make selling the other speakers.

I would not start from scratch with new amps and pre-amps when I am happy with them.

concentrate on the speakers only. (my opinion).

If, after you get the new speakers (hopefully matched to your existing gear), you feel the need to upgrade the amp, then do so at your own pace.

One item at a time.  Plan for it and budget that way.


@bombaywalla ...we’ll just agree to disagree, how’s that? The Tannoys don’t need lots of power, you just want lots of power. Difference!
carmenc you should have stopped writing after "we’ll just agree to disagree". There’s no need to tell me that I "want" lots of power when my experience has clearly shown that my Tannoys enjoy lots of power. Yes, our experiences differ & that’s OK by me. Just don’t tell me that I want more power for my Tannoys when you haven’t even heard my setup & weren’t even there to listen to the difference when more power was used to drive them. Pretty rotten of you to do that...
This brings us to another question. Assuming the same quality, is more power always better if the speakers can handle it and won't blow up ?