
Which would you prioritise for an upgrade - mono blocks, pre amp or speakers? 
@bombaywalla same can be said for you. You jumped into this conversation not knowing anything about my setup as well. You seem to want to banter with me more than help the OP!
I want to totally avoid bantering with you. I jumped into this thread to help the OP - read my original post. Besides my disagreement with you re. more power, my orig post was addressed to the OP in order to help him.
Of course your Tannoys are going to sound better in a larger room with more power.  What's the point?  Most of this stuff is all relative.  My Tannoys are in a smaller room with less power and sound great.  I think all any of us were trying to do here was to try and help infection based on his given information.  In fact, some of us were trying to get more information out of him to be of further help.

He and I've dropped the jousting match, why can't you?  I got to be honest here.  Some on this forum like to give advice and opinions, but are not as good at receiving them.  One of the unwritten rules of this hobby, keep an open mind.  Hell, that's one of the main reasons I come here is to learn.  Regards......

Come on guys, our goal is to indirectly participate in the OP's sound quests not to work something out for ourselves.
I don't mind you guys having a discussion...

I'm looking into the Alta Audio Rheas & just waiting for correspondence from Mike from Alta Audio...& the possibility of buying ARC Ref 210 monos...maybe a Ref 5se as well...
Years ago,in a Stereophile Magazine interview,Bill Dundelston(sp?),owner & builder of Legacy audio products,was asked what he considered the hierarchy of the audio playback chain was.
He replied:Speakers.Recordings.Room Acoustics & LAST was Electronics.Cables & tweaks were NOT even mentioned.I never forgot that...