basic passive preamp

I'm looking for an affordable passive - need 3 inputs - new or used - for a 2nd system.  The creeks come to mind but any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you. 
I wrote to Tim Stinson at Luminous Audio. He replied that the design of the XLR equipped Axiom II is fully balanced.
You might also think about a used Placette Audio passive. Their bigger one has 3 inputs, uses vishay S102 resisters, has remote control, consistent input impedance.
Reference Line preeminance one passive pre, I have one for sale?
 Very nice passive pre all cardas wiring, if your system is on the neutral to warm side they are amazing . 
I recently renovated my house so the room is now very bright with bright speakers so I have purchased a older tube pre. Preeminance one Affordable at $300.    
Sent you a PM re the  Reference Line preeminance one, I can always have another passive to do demo A/B's against my unit.

Cheers George