
Responses from peleg

Audio Alchemy DDP-1... anyone?
Funny, I just posted a request of info on this same DAC over at Audio Asylum and then headed over here to do the same. Glad you got there first. Like you I find this unit really interesting. The idea of combining DAC and analog pre in the same box... 
basic passive preamp
You might also think about a used Placette Audio passive. Their bigger one has 3 inputs, uses vishay S102 resisters, has remote control, consistent input impedance. 
Moving up from LSA Statement integrated
Oops...I meant tubed preamp not pdf. 
Moving up from LSA Statement integrated
Sorry,off-topic but how is the sound of your LSA integrated? What is lacking that makes you want to make a change? One more, where do I find info on these LSA mono-blocks and tubed pdf....can't find anything on them on their website. Thanks 
SMC McCormack or Vincent Pwr Amp
You know, just for a different set of options...have you thot about some of the class d amps? I had a DNA 1 w/ what was called the Rev. A mods for close to 15 years and they are indeed great amps and Steve is super to deal w/. But I took the jump ... 
Class D or Hybrid Amp for Fritz Rev 7 speakers
Hands down, go for the new Wyred 4 Sound mAMPs. I have them, $1800, and absolutely love them! Listen all night to them. Easy to drive so virtually any preamp will work w/ them. Fritz speakers and Wyred stuff seem to work real well w/ each other. 
W4S SX-500 vs. new mAmp?
Well I broke down and got myself a pair of mAmps. Right out of the box they were VERY clear. Overly so. Over time this gave way to a wonderfully smooth somewhat sweet sound that was very listenable. I am really pleased.w/ my choice here. After rea... 
Woohoo & yippee
Hi Shakeydeal and Mapman, I used the McC. w/o the passive sub for some 5+ years. I would have noticed any compromising in the sound. I think you underestimate the driving ability of the McC. I had an active sub (albeit a cheaper one) prior to gett... 
Woohoo & yippee
Got the mAmps last Thursday and they're approaching the 100 hr. mark now. When I first turned them on the sound was higher above the speakers than what I'm used to. It was also very clear and vivid. The highs were quite bright. It's like the amps ... 
Woohoo & yippee
Actually, your thinking and mine are the same. I'm guessing the difference will lie more in just that...a different sound not necessarily better but we'll see. I understand these need a good 300 hours of break-in to get to their real sound but I'l... 
Woohoo & yippee
Right now I have my trusty McCormack DNA 1 w/ Rev. A driving a pair of old (circa 1981) B&W 802s w/ APOC circuitry removed and a VMPS passive subwoofer, original Minimax DAC w/ Burson duals and I can't remember what's in the singles positions.... 
Original Minimax DAC output impedence?
Got an answer from Morning Star Audio that it is indeed a misprint but he could not remember what the specs actually were other than they were much, much lower than 22k & 10K. If I were to venture a guess I'd say they were 1k and 2.2k. But if ... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
I wonder how the Placette passive would sound w/ the Job? The Placette is supposed to be extremely transparent w/o being bright or harsh. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Devilboy, thank you very much for the detailed description of the Jobs sound. I'm gotta sell the wife. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Devilboy, thank you very much for the detailed description of the Jobs sound. I'm gotta sell the wife.