Which Zu for you

After attending the Newport audio show and hearing the Druid V I decided that my next set of speakers would be some Zu's. Unfortunately, the Druid are way above my price point. I am interested in hearing from people who have heard the soul superfly and omen def mkii and why they preferred one or the other. Also, if they have heard a budget integrated amps that paired well those suggestions would also be welcomed. I have already received some great advice from Sean and 213cobra who suggested the Almarro a205 or marantz 2215/20/30 as budget options. 
I have the Zu Soul Supremes and the Almarro 205a 5w tube SET integrated and as a combo it has some real magic. Sean is right about the almarro. I'm not the only one who liked it either, the one I bought was from another friend who had the same speakers but he was upgrading and wanted a few more watts.  The supremes for me had the same thing as the druids, and I've heard the druids. Btw, the living room pic on the Zu site is my living room. 
I've never heard the Omens so I can't comment, but the amp is v.good. Before the Almarro I used a tiny mini watt N3 which actually was amazing considering what it was. It was definitely "fun"!
I keep looking a Zu but wonder about the 16 ohm impedance.
Are all their speakers 16 ohm? Don't know that much about it, but am lead to believe that pushing a tube amp (Woo WA5 in my case) into such high resistance is hard on the transformer. Any thoughts from those in the know?
Leotis, the twin driver models are 8 ohm.  Omen I believe is 12 ohm.

>Whoopycat does the defhead also give the emotional connection that the single driver provides?<

Yes and no... IMO the Defhead does dynamic peaks better and really puts you inside the music, whereas the Superfly has more of the "you are there, front row" intimacy.  As cobra213 has put in more eloquent terms in other threads, it depends on what you value more.  That said, I'm making the differences sound bigger than they are. 

BTW, my tube amp for the Defheads is similar to the Miniwatt that Robert used with his Supremes. 
Zu speakers vary in impedance. Def 4s are nominally 8 ohms, Druid Vs are 16 ohms, Def 4s can be custom wired 32 ohms, etc. Check-out ZuAudio.com. Tube amplifiers prefer high impedance - in some cases (ie., OTL) the higher the better (ie., 32 ohms).