Can headphones ever be as good as high end stereo?

I am absolutely satisfied with the sounds of my current setup but I feel like I'm unable to listen at the volumes I prefer on a regular basis due to the ole spouse. I've been considering switching over to headphones. By selling my current speakers and amps I could easily finance stax 009 phones and a suitable amp, which seem to be regarded as the pinnacle of headphones.

My question is, what would I be losing or gaining in the switch? Right now my setup emits a beautiful wall of sound and I would hate to give that up. Understand that I have never owned a pair of headphones worth more than 80 bucks so I have no idea what good ones sounds like. Almost all source material would come from a pyon ultima table. Thanks
For what it's worth, I just put up a post on my audio blog that's relevant to your original question! It's part of a series I've been writing on my experiences getting back into the world of portable/headphone-based high end. Here it is: 

Good headphones with the right DAC/amp are pretty magical.

Set your standards by listening to a Pono. It’s got one of the best output stages around. Second to this is the UFO DSD DAC’s if you can find them, Blue Coast may still sell them.

At the last California Audio Show I went to, the best and worst sound at the show (speaker or headphone) was from headphone stands. Pono and Blue Coast among the best of them. The absolute best headphone setup was a $5k setup by Audio Visions of SF but I can’t remember the brand. It was a rather wide tube headphone amp on top of an equally large DAC.


Design a vest with transducers built into it to allow you to feel bass while using headphones, and virtual reality 3D glasses with a view of a band or orchestra. You can also use your speakers as headphones by putting them on either side of your head…try lying of the floor between them and covering yourself with blankets so nobody else can hear it…at least until they come to take you away.
Why? We've been married for over 32 years now.

You've said she has bad taste on tv....

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