Are there headphones that image in front of you rather than in your head?

I have and excellent room and system but I need a small and "just me" system. I have owned several headphones but found I cannot stand them and having performers in my head. 

Has anyone found headphones that keep performers in front of you?

At RMAF the headphone area is quite noisy so except for evaluating physical comfort of the headphone on the head it is rather limited in doing serious evaluations. Look for the few rooms on the upper floors that will have headphones. Evaluate early in the day before the crowds arrive.

The listener - headphone interaction is really the world's smallest listening room. The Smyth Realizer people have shown there is up to a 30 % frequency response variation due to changes in the external ear anatomy. So to maximize their system's function to produce 3D listening, your individual ear's are evaluated with microphones inserted into the ears. Much like testing the acoustic response of a room.

Electronic noise at the wall outlet, RF noise, EMF noise generated by components and all cables have a greater effect on the headphone soundstage than on room speakers.

You can achieve a wonderful headphone experience with the Sennheiser 800 ( some demo units at Music Direct for under a $1000.00).  I also have be able to get an outstanding listening experience using the Enigmacoustic Dharma  hybrid headphones - about $1300.00. This has a conventional driver with a self biasing electrostatic element. They too are comfortable.

But my system has had the whole works applied and evaluated - just as you would do with a cutting edge full room system. That means starting with the wall outlets and evaluating each link in the chain until the music gets to my brain processing centers. Noise, hash, grain really kill the soundstage of headphones.

David Pritchard


While you're at RMAF, listen to the Stax headphones through Blue Hawaii or Woo Audio WES headphone amplifiers. You will be amazed, and I think the question of whether the drivers are in front or on the sides will seem less important. Just my opinion.
I have cross feed with my system..... they still sound different than speakers. Actually, I love my headphones...they have more of a see-through - cleaner, clearer image than my expensive speakers. I find myself however listening much more often to my speakers.

On another point.....balanced headphones are clearly better.....but they must be used with a completely balanced system to get the full advantage.
I am not a headphone lover, but I found that the Grado GS1000s present a very open, airy presentation that resembles listening to real speakers in an acoustic environment.  The downside it that, like a normal system, you need a very quiet area to listen, as every outside sound is very audible.  
In pure audiophile terms, I've heard better phones, but none that gave the sense of space and air of the Grados.  I wish I could love headphones - it would make life easier. 
My sister is also a music lover. I gifted her audiophile headphones. She loves them a lot. She told me that these headphones isolate the outside noise completely. I looked in few shops, but these were a bit expensive. Then I searched for this product online and got affordable full size headphones at exclusive offer from You can also try these out.