Last generation receiver to pair with oppo BDP-95

Could someone point me in the right direction? I am looking for a non HDMI 5.1 receiver to run a setup for a small room with b&w 685's all around. I would pair this with the oppo bdp-95 and use the analog outs for decoding. What receivers could I look at on the used market that would have the best audio? I would be looking for 5.1 only as i have no room for two extra speakers.

I have the stereo outs of the oppo going to my bryston amp and driving some modified DQ-10's.

Thanks for the help.

Perhaps an older Arcam receiver.
I still have an Arcam AV-8 I use for movies(no issues)and she sounds terrific.
I am currently using a NAD T773 avr mfd. around 2004 with an Oppo BDP-83 and Klipsch RF-63 system. It is powerful and very musical. Never an issue or hiccup at all with this piece. Used prices from $350.00 to $600.00.

Any of the B&K models(AVR305,307,505,507) wi11 be very musical and powerful and will do just about anything non-HDMI.!-free-

This one is on the high side but a great receiver indeed.

This Yamaha was the flagship receiver in 2003.!

You might want to look into a NAD T762. I have had this receiver for 7+ years and just use it for movies and tv and it sounds great. I use it with my Pioneer Blu Ray player which handles all of the decoding. It is a 6.1 channel receiver, you do not have to use that 6th channel, i don't. It might be a good match for your B&W's. Something to consider. Good luck.