Martin Logan CLS "Buyer's Guide" Question

I’ve wanted a set of Logan CLS’s since I first heard them back in the 1980’s and would like to start looking for a pair, but could use some help to know for sure that I’d be buying a good set. Would you guys please opine on these concerns?

- What do I look for in a decent set to avoid a ’lemon’?
- What is the difference in characteristics between ’generations’ of CLS (I, Ia, II, IIa, IIz...)
- How can I identify which generation of CLS I’m dealing with, and how important is it?
- Would there be any concern about age of panels, or if the panels are replacements?
- Would you recommend a different model of ML speaker, and if so - which one, and why?

My current equipment is:
McIntosh C28 (presently in use)
Krell KRC-3 (inbound...)
Bryston 4BST
Dahlquist DQ10
Polk PSW650

I hope to replace the DQ10s in favor of the Logan’s, but it’s helpful to know what I’m getting into beforehand, to avoid a costly mistake.

Thanks in advance!

I was a Martin Logan dealer for many years and currently use a pair of CLSIIA’s as one of my reference speakers.

When I was a dealer, I always had a pair of the older model on demo when the new model came out. I was able to A/B them side by side.

The CLS I (there was never a CLSIA. Actually, it was just the CLS). These had a different pattern to the spars inside the panel and were easy to tell that they were the CLS versus the later model. The CLS would drop down to around .6ohms and was an amp eater.

The CLSII was designed to be a little easier on amps. These would drop down to around .8-.9ohms.

The CLSIIA was developed very shortly after the CLSII came out and was field retrofittable. It was a pretty easy mod to do and opened the speaker up quite a bit and smoothed it out over the CLSII, but still was pretty hard on amps.

The CLSIIZ was developed to be even easier on amps. These drop down to around 1.2ohms and did indeed help with the amp situation.

When I was able to hear them side by side through their evolution period, I liked the CLSIIA the best. Many owners will say the CLSIIZ was the best, but I’m not sure that everyone had the chance to hear them side by side. This is just my opinion, but Gayle Sanders once told me that he thought they had lost some of the "magic" & "sparkle" when they went from the IIA to the IIZ, but it had to be done to try to address the amp problem.

Martin Logan has a serial number decoder to help you know which version you have and to tell how old the electronics and panels are. I have a pdf copy if you want it.

The ML panels last around 12-15 years before they need replacement. Unfortunately, ML has really raised the prices of replacement panels. I replaced mine a few years ago for $890 plus shipping. They are now $2700 plus shipping.

There is a guy named Russ Knotts that will rebuild a pair for around $600 or so, (maybe a little more now).

The CLS series does require a careful in-room setup, but are something really special when done right.

Good luck on your search...
@mofimadness fantastic post I cannot imagine anything more helpful for the OP well done!
Ditto. This is a slam-dunk for information. Thanks for the help!

Just made a (sight unseen) deal on what looks to be a very nice condition pair that allegedly are the IIs (upgraded electronics) with replacement panels (SN CS1H1715, I think) that were done in ’02-ish. It'd be helpful if there were an easy way to identify the 1-series panel from the 2-series panel.  Though they’re *theoretically* toward the end of the 12-15 year lifespan, I also tend to think that the owner has much to do with that.

I guess I’ll just roll the dice to see. Stay tuned...
@parabolic...the serial number you list would make them replacement panels made in September 1996. They were the 15th replacement panel made that month, (according to the serial number decoder).

If the serial number is correct, then they are the CLS I panels. You really shouldn’t mix I panels with II electronics and vice versa. I know people do it all the time, but you really shouldn’t do it. The electronics for the original CLS are designed to only work correctly with the original panel design.

Here are a few pictures of the original CLS. You need to notice the horizontal and vertical spars inside the panel. They are not connected to each other and the spacing is the same from side to side. Also, some of the original CLS panels had just horizontal spars with no vertical spars.

Here are a few pics of a II series panel:

The II series have a little wider space on one side versus the other side and the horizontal and vertical pieces are connected to each other.

Also, the panels and electronics have different/separate serial numbers.