Explain to me dsd

Ok so I understand dsd was a way for sacd to be computer storage friendly...

But I have a dac (Emm Labs Dac2x) that somehow uses dsd (I'm confused as to whether it up samples to dsd)...

Can someone explain to me what this is about and whether I would benefit from a streamer like auralic Aries that is able to output dsd vs a bluesound node 2 that outputs only pcm?
Why would you not want HDMI? I am trying to understand your point.
I would want HDMI to improve for the reason that I can connect a SACD player with HDMI "out" to a DSD DAC with HDMI "in".
milpai, I think we have a misunderstanding: it's not about want, but dissatisfaction with the product unto itself. By all means use what is necessary.
I was following this thread with interest but I'm now a little lost. So all this technical stuff aside and monthly fees notwithstanding, why wouldn't most people just subscribe to some lossless streaming service like Tidal and forego all this file format type concerns. Bluesound Node 2 was mentioned earlier but I'm sure there are fancier components out there. I have yet to look for an artist title or music title and not see it listed in Tidal and my CD player (and 2000+ CD collection) are just collecting dust. Just wondering...

I think most people use a variety of ways to get music. The biggest reason for buying in addition to subscribing, which I do, is to have the highest quality possible.

Most streaming services provide heavy compression. Tidal's best resolution is only CD quality.  So if you want better than that, you have to buy. Also, if you are a firm believer in DSD there's no streaming service I'm aware of.  MQA was going to solve this, but it's so far proven snake oil, and Tidal doesn't seem to be supporting it anymore.

By the way, I've ripped all my CD's and never play directly.

There are of course issues with what do you do if your streaming service goes belly up, or if you've "purchased" Amazon or iTunes music and that disappears or you are no longer a subscriber. And of course, there's what do you do when the Internet is down. The whole streaming industry has yet to figure itself out really, which is why Tidal is still struggling to make money.

Make yourself happy, but the highest resolution formats are not streamed.

