No, this does not refer to Pink Floyd or Donald Trump! 
  I was just wondering why audio dealers tell you to plug the power amplifier into the wall, rather than into my PS Audio power plant? What harm would it do to plug it into the Power Plant; it has plenty of capacity?! Would I risk any damage if I plugged my power amplifier direct into the power plant? 
just curious... thanks.   ---Steve
Ag insider logo xs@2xwarmglowingtubesart
I find that my PS Audio P-10 regenerator improves the sound and cleans up the incoming power to great extent. Very noticeable  sound improvement until I plugged in my Atma-Sphere Novacron amps. They were to much for the P-10 so they had to go to the dedicated 10ga outlets installed for my equipment. 
jafant, just another case of art becoming reality....happens more often these days....
Darnold=snake oil salesman
The Wall=everyone's ennui
 i suggest a 30 ft extension cord from lowes that is normaly used for electric leaf blowers. it really adds air to the experience and the orange looks great coiled behind your tv stand. plus you can plug in the x mass lights with the extra receptacle
Can someone explain what the point of having capacitors are in an amplifier?  ;)

Sure - the need for a wall outlet direct connection for AC input and the need for storage capacitors for DC power in power amps are the same - very large instantaneous current demands for music's transients. AC power outlets can supply 10000A+ for very short periods, I doubt any power conditioner can match that #. Paul may try, but alas it would be grossly expensive to do so...

Preamps and other line-level devices do not have the very large current demands. This is due to the fact that impedance levels are much higher (100x or more) as well as signal size being lower (100x lower as a rule of thiumb).