Aesthetix Calypso Signature

I'm not sure how long this has been out, but sure would like to here comments about it from owners. Anybody here have it already? Have you compared it to other pre-amps?
anyone else got the upgrade??
Just got the calypso and can't believe how good it sounds, wonder what it'll be like in signature.
Anyone still using Aesthetix gear? It is some of the very best tubed electronics. Happy Listening!
I'm using a Calypso Signature with my Magnepan 3.7i's, Sanders Magtech, and Schiit Bifrost Multibit.  Switched out the tubes to Shuguang 12ax7 prototypes and Reflektor '75 Silver Shields.

I upgraded from an Odyssey Candela and was a little underwhelmed.  It's definitely better than the Candela but probably not worth the additional cost.  The Calypso did improve with the tube changes though. 
Anyone still using Aesthetix gear? It is some of the very best tubed electronics. Happy Listening!

Jfant, I'm still wedded to my Aesthetix Io Signature with volume controls for my front end. After fifteen years with this phono stage, I've not heard anything I'd exchange it for other than the Eclipse upgrade. 
TY- limniscate & rushton.

I feel this company is producing excellent tubed gear that competes w/ the old stalwarts-ARC and Conrad Johnson.