Aesthetix Calypso Signature

I'm not sure how long this has been out, but sure would like to here comments about it from owners. Anybody here have it already? Have you compared it to other pre-amps?
I'm using a Calypso Signature with my Magnepan 3.7i's, Sanders Magtech, and Schiit Bifrost Multibit.  Switched out the tubes to Shuguang 12ax7 prototypes and Reflektor '75 Silver Shields.

I upgraded from an Odyssey Candela and was a little underwhelmed.  It's definitely better than the Candela but probably not worth the additional cost.  The Calypso did improve with the tube changes though. 
Anyone still using Aesthetix gear? It is some of the very best tubed electronics. Happy Listening!

Jfant, I'm still wedded to my Aesthetix Io Signature with volume controls for my front end. After fifteen years with this phono stage, I've not heard anything I'd exchange it for other than the Eclipse upgrade. 
TY- limniscate & rushton.

I feel this company is producing excellent tubed gear that competes w/ the old stalwarts-ARC and Conrad Johnson.
I'm using the Janus signature in my rig and love it.  Can be be a bit fussy on tubes though especially in the phono stage.  Tube rush when playing loud.  Also appreciate being back to full feature pre for both my phono front end and digital.  I've played a little with nos tubes and they can make a significant improvement though can get expensive with all those tubes.  I use the matsushita's from Andy at VTS.
I'm all in on Aesthetix. I want the best sound for my ear, but I don't want to go through the brain damage and expense of buying and selling (at a loss) in the search. My dealer handles many brands and he lets me demo equipment at home for extended periods, and that's why I have an Atlas Eclipse, Romulus Signature and am awaiting delivery of a Janus Eclipse. Jim White of Aesthetix is accessible and ready to discuss the differences in his equipment line and other topics such as (for me) the pros/cons of integrated vs separate phone stages. I believe that using a single manufacturer for all components (more often than not) produces a synergy whereby each component compliments the other. Along with my Aesthetix equip, I use a McIntosh streamer/NAS and a maxed-out LP-12. So if I ever want a lighter sound, or more bass punch, I'll go straight to the source and change out my cartridge. I know that sound change will seamlessly pass through my components to my ear.  I'm not searching for the holy grail of sound because I know I'd run out of money before I found it. But Aesthetix gives me the sound that my ears/brain love - and its pleasing to look at - rather that a hodge-podge of mismatching "aesthetics" - pun intended.