Daedalus Athena

Hi I have been shopping for speakers and Daedalus Athena got my attention recently. I've never auditioned Daedalus speakers before and wonder how they sound? I saw quite a few posts on this forum that compared Daedalus and Devore. How would you compare the sound of Daedalus Athena with the other non high-efficiency speakers (used) in the same price range? 

jjue -

My speaker decision came down to DeVore and Daedalus. Unfortunately, I was unable to procure Silverback's to audition in my system and chose the Daedalus.  I have been very happy with my decision.  Both speakers are excellent; there is no bad decision here.  IME, the DeVore's are ever so slightly more polite.  I would be satisfied owning either.  Both proprietors are first class.
I owned the Daedalus Ulysses a few years back.  It was a nice speaker with exceptional hardwood cabinets.   Initially I found them to be very flat and dull sounding, but after running them through a rigorous break-in at high volume they finally opened up.  The Ulysses were my 2nd favorite speaker next to my Harbeth M-40.1's.

Thank you, jazdoc and pdreher! 

How would you describe the sonic differences betwen Daedalus/Devore and the traditional box speakers? 

You summed up very well the essential difference between the Devore and Daedalus.  Both are very good and of course a matter of taste.  I find Daedalus generally a bit more authoritative and dynamic in character. System synergy is always a factor. Daedalus compared to a Wilson or Magico? Purely a preference call as one would expect. Daedalus Ulysses (I'm more familiar with this model) has a natural sound/organic character.  Magico based on the several models I've heard are IMO  analytical.  Many would say they're simply accurate, neutral and very resolved.  We all have some degree of bias. I consistently prefer natural to an  ultra resolved type of presentation. Undoubtedly YMMV.
@charles1dad , Magico speakers can be tamed by choosing smooth, organic sounding amps & cables such as Vitus Signature series & Jorma Design. Some tube amps like Absolare and Vac IQ series also sound glorious. That’s the thing, those speakers demand the best accompanying gear.