Closest to pass labs int 250 or x250.8

So I have been reading all types of sources on the net to find a consensus on the best performing power source currently out here.

Pass Labs int 250 and the x250.8 amp seem to be at the top of the list in the $12,000 /$10,000 range.

Unfortunately, That is too rich for my pocket. I am look at used or refurbished but it might be a while before I find one at a price I can handle.

From what I hear they both handle highs very well. I don't want a power source that produces bright highs. My ears can't  take it. 

My question is... What power source can get me the closest to the sound of the Pass Labs without their price tags?

I have power Hungary Revel F-52's and I do like to play my music loud at times. So I want the 250 wpc or so.

Current power source is an HK 990 intetgrated. And the highs seem to be to bright or slightly muffled depending on the settings.

I'm trying to find something I can enjoy for a long, long time. Not interested in constant flipping of components. 

Thanks for your help.


Recently purchased a Pass X150.8 stereo amp. Could not recommend it more highly.  The ONLY downside is it is heavy and cumbersome to manage.   SET like in the mids and highs, excellent bass control, extremely musical through the entire frequency range.  Best amp I've had in my system.  
Can't help you with the alternative, but I will confirm that the INT-250 has clear warm highs (plus defined bass).  It replaces an Ayre AX5Twenty whose highs were indeed way too bright for me (and failed to produce bass).
TY- aardvarkbark-

those Pass Labs integrated amps are on my short-list to demo.

I want to read more about them from you guys, the owners.