Mismatched preamp and CD player?

My system is Adcom GTP-500, GFA-555 and MMGs. An Onix XCD-88 and Denon DCM-280 take care of the CD side.

I cannot turn the volume on the preamp above 8 o’clock comfortably and 9 o’clock drives me from the room (7 o'clock is full off with 5 o'clock full on) . The problem is much more noticable on the Onix than the Denon, but neither is desirable. Research suggests this is due to a mismatch of the CD player output level and the preamp input sensitivity. How can I confirm this is the case, and what can I do about it if true? Are there other causes I should be looking into?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Regarding the "gain" issue, why even keep the active preamp in the loop? You can try feeding the "Sys" with your source components and connect the output right into your amplifier. If you want to use your turntable, you can use your active preamp and substitute one of your source inputs with your preamp output.

By the way, I have a Sys and I'm using it as a passive preamp. Nice little piece.

Kalali - 

As it turns out, that is exactly what I expect to do. The CD player will be one of two primary inputs with a wireless/DAC combination the other.  Just have to decide what Wireless/Dac combination makes the most sense.  Looking at the Audioengine products now.
Or if you need or want balanced 
Have two of these and a 2.1 version for using with a subwoofer 
Honestly one beat out a active preamp that sold for 7k in my system with my ears . LOL
att: kythyn
Just keep everything you want plugged into the "powered up" GTP-500 and use your source selector switch to select different sources,  and the tape outputs of the 500, go to one of the inputs of the SYS, then the SYS becomes your volume control. This way your only using the 500 as a source selector. 

This way you knock out the volume control and output gain stage of the GTP-500 from being used.

And you still have one input left on the SYS for your still another source.

Naturally the output of the SYS goes to your 555 power amp

Cheers George
Thank you for the additional options.

Having been educated about vinyl and CDs, I am now considering ripping my small CD collection to my computer and adding a DAC (bifrost?) to the SYS, removing the CD players and GTP-500 altogether.  New music would be streamed or downloaded.

Just have to figure out how to get the signal across the room from the PC to the DAC (could be as much as 22 feet)