Best pressing of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto?

I’m ready to start into the classical side of my vinyl collection, and I’ll start with my favorite piece? Any recommendations on a well-recorded, played, and -mastered vinyl pressing of this? Should I start with the '56 Heifetz? Or the Van Cliburn?
I certainly wouldn't start with Van Cliburn, as that's the piano concerto!  I'll look through my collection to see if there's any other recording on vinyl that I like as much as the RCA Heifetz..
@rcprince Curses! I meant Leonid Kogan's 1960 version.

Thank you for looking through the collection, though.
Joshua Bell. Great excitement. I heard him live a few years ago and even though he's probably performed it 200 times, it was still filled with energy. 
I do like the Heifetz and the Kogan, and the reissues of those recordings are really quite good.  I always liked Perlman's version that I had on a Chesky CD reissue, that must have been a Reader's Digest release on vinyl, might be worth looking for.  The engineering for that recording is top-notch, though the pressing quality might not be so great.  I also note there is a DG vinyl reissue with Anne-Sophie Mutter, I have always admired her work but have no idea of this performance or the quality of the recording (as a rule, I'm not a big DG fan from that era).