Should this forum have a warning label?

Answered an out of date thread as shown below, and then got curious about what general opinion would be from a wider audience.

You've reminded me of the macro issue. This I think is an interesting and useful forum, but it is biased by the folks who profit from the sale of all things audiophile (moderators) & if you are hunting for Trolls it is probably the most target rich environment on the internet.
The combination of strong financial interests creates a bias toward "True Believers" & a lot of folks are encouraged to throw dollars at fringe products that are of dubious value.
In interest of open and unbiased communication, should there be a disclaimer in the banner on the forum topics list?
Lots of forums...this may be one of the better ones for a newbee to find if his interests are strickly audio. Seems to be an older crowd with years of collected experience on even the oldest components.

The other forums which are good but may be less (real) help to the newbee are audiocircle and audioasylum.

1. Audiocircle...mostly filled with newbees
2. Audioasylum...filled with great info. and usefull audiophiles, except...not hardly newbee friendly and many times overly ripe with ego trippers...can be scary for a newbee to ask dumb questions.

All, This is one of the best forums that I follow with interest. My take is that this is a mostly mature group ready to help.

There are a few who seem to be argumentative trolls as they are referred to.

Everyone seems (In General) to think that they are "Unique and Beautiful Snow Flakes " ; Well informed because they can navigate the Web.


USE YOUR Ears !!!
USE Your Ears!!!
Use Your Ears !!!

If You have not heard it; You do not have a valid Opinion.

Arrange an audition, travel to a dealer, have equipment sent to you!

 I am totally with Plato on this.