Should this forum have a warning label?

Answered an out of date thread as shown below, and then got curious about what general opinion would be from a wider audience.

You've reminded me of the macro issue. This I think is an interesting and useful forum, but it is biased by the folks who profit from the sale of all things audiophile (moderators) & if you are hunting for Trolls it is probably the most target rich environment on the internet.
The combination of strong financial interests creates a bias toward "True Believers" & a lot of folks are encouraged to throw dollars at fringe products that are of dubious value.
In interest of open and unbiased communication, should there be a disclaimer in the banner on the forum topics list?
All, This is one of the best forums that I follow with interest. My take is that this is a mostly mature group ready to help.

There are a few who seem to be argumentative trolls as they are referred to.

Everyone seems (In General) to think that they are "Unique and Beautiful Snow Flakes " ; Well informed because they can navigate the Web.


USE YOUR Ears !!!
USE Your Ears!!!
Use Your Ears !!!

If You have not heard it; You do not have a valid Opinion.

Arrange an audition, travel to a dealer, have equipment sent to you!

 I am totally with Plato on this.
How about a big yellow diamond -shaped highway sign reading: