Setup question

A brief setup question if someone doesn’t mind helping me out. In my family room, I currently have a 5.1 setup with a HK AV receiver, 2 JBL towers and JBL everything else (which will be upgraded to PSB sooner than later). I wanted to add vinyl to my family room setup but my receiver does not have phono in. I bought a nice Rotel turntable and NAD amp that can be used as a pre, power or integrated amp.

My question is, what is the best utilization of this equipment? Should I go turntable > NAD (pre) >HK? Or should I go turntable>NAD (integrated) >speakers and use the speakers for both setups with a switch?

Thank you in advance for your help.
The Ortofon red has an output of 5.5mV which would work well with the phonostage within the NAD, as well as most of the budget MM phonostages now on the market. 

Please do not take offense, but i believe the use of an AVR as amplification for a vinyl system represents a weak link, primarily due to the preamplifier stage. Therefore, if space is not a constraint I believe you might find using the NAD as a phonostage satisfactory. 
@mesch No offense taken..that was pretty much the root of my question. On a technical basis, switching the towers between the NAD and the HK, would you use banana plugs and plug them into the system being used at the time, or use a switch? Some people were saying to avoid a switch.
Good morning, I mean using only the phono stage in the NAD. For this you run TT into phono input on NAD, select phono as source on NAD, NAD record out into AVR line level input, select that input as source when listening to vinyl. NAD only need to be on when playing vinyl and the AVR serves for signal processing and amplification. The NAD is not hooked up to speakers at all.
@mesch Gotcha-i thought you were saying to avoid the AVR for phono..ultimately, the AVR is becoming a pain in my ass anyway.  My TV and xbox only have optical outs and the optical in on the AVR doesnt recognize the signal.  Ive played with all the settings and reset the receiver.. It only accepts the signal from the cable box.. So that coupled with the fact that its the weakest link in the setup has me thinking i should be looking into a new AV receicer in the 7.1 or atmos line.