Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

I actually heard the original WAMM's, at John Garland Audio in San Jose. I think they were priced at around $80,000, in 1980's money. Didn't think about them again for years until Brooks Berdan, shortly before his death in 2011 (seems like a lot longer ago), took a pair in trade on whatever were the biggest Wilson's at the time. Those two loudspeakers would have made for an interesting comparison!
This is my own particular sense of it certainly, but I'd say that if you're the kind of customer that does not have a lot of specialized experience or detailed working knowledge or familiarity of the audio market (and perhaps speaker market especially) - the kind that can take many years or decades to cultivate anyway - IOW you are **not** what we'd call a "hobbyist" per se, nor do you have any kind of DIY background as well, but instead are perhaps, say, a young, or middle-aged, professional with a more limited exposure and are possibly looking to employ someone's professional help or input up front in your decision making process, then I'd say that certain companies like Wilson or B&W might have a more intriguing profile for you than some others. They tend to attract such buyers by offering well-reviewed designs (by that I mean In-House reviewed, I'm not really talking about pro or user reviews, but here I mean ee reviewed designs in-house). These guys tend to be more 'careful' in their design approach and they essentially want to "play it safe", so to speak, on behalf of their customers. That is, they don't do things in a splashy sort of way, they don't go in much for design fads or the very latest trends and they don't introduce new models or discontinue older models at anything approaching a dizzying rate...more of a steady-as-you-go, tried-but-true approach that is meant to project, along with good service, support and marketing, the reassurance of a certain measure of authority and professionalism. Say what you want about such companies, and I count myself among those who might say that, for my own tastes anyway, they might be playing things a little *too* safe generally, but they have been around a long time and seem to continue to do some business at a time when the audio market, nationally or worldwide, happens to be deader than 4 o'clock. 

For my own purposes, while I would likely say that Wilson does not do things quite the way I would prefer my kinds of manufacturers to do things, that may really only be because I've been around the audio neighborhood a while (45 yrs) and have since acquired the kind of audiophile background that has allowed me to 'outgrow', if you will, the need for such a company business model and that that may not be necessarily the case for others...but, I certainly don't hate them.
No offense taken.To put the matter in better context, as I listened to them from at least 15 feet away in a seated position, the sound from the speakers seemed to be noticeably even with and below me. This caused me to not feel enveloped by the sound, a feeling one should feel with any high end floor standing speakers. In many years of shows, visits with dealers, etc.in which I have heard hundreds if not thousands of speakers, I had never felt this sensation before. In fact, I had never considered image height as an element of the sound field prior to this although I was aware of its salutary presence when listening to line source or other large (6 ft+) speakers.
In any event, I stood up merely to confirm for myself that the sensation was not an illusion. It clearly was not as it sounded as if the music was stuck underneath a shelf. I have never judged a speaker before or since by standing up as I have never felt that sensation again and I don’t listen to music in a standing position.
You are absolutely correct--the speakers in question were the Vandy 7s. It seems you may be attuned to this sensation. I can say that I’ve heard of Brooks Berdan’s shop and it is universally held in high regard. Nevertheless, I have not heard this problem with any WP or Sasha and certainly haven’t heard it at Innovative Audio in NYC or in my listening room where WP 7s and then Sashas have been in residence for a combined 14 years. That being said, if you favor line source and some planars, I could see why the Sashas (and probably quite a few others) don’t work for you in that regard.
I wish all a happy, healthy etc.