PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

That's an intriguing pairing of the Negra and Ypsilon, I bet it'll sound gorgeous.  Home auditions aren't always possible to arrange, it good that you have an accommodating distributor.  I am curious to read your listening impressions of the Ypsilon in your system and how it compares to the other candidates. I've heard the PST 100 and thought it was superb, natural the antithesis of electronic hifi sound character. An expensive brand but at least they sound quite good. 
Yes my Ypsilon distributor is a very cool guys, he's driving down with the gear to make 2 home demos, one for a guy who wants to try out the Aelius on his Magnepan 20.7 and me on my Thiels CS 3.7
If at the end i decide to go the Ypsilon route i will purchase the full system : Aelius ll + PST-100 MKll.

ill be curious were youre finding are with the modwright 150 se...i know dan's gear is alot for your money
Dan's Momentum S250 stereo is outstanding but here in Europe for $12K less i can purchase the Ypsilon Aelius ll monos.
Concerning the Modwright 150 SE i could easily buy 2 of them within my budget.

Audionet Max monoblocks. Dans S250 stereo or BAT VK-655SE Stereo or monoblocks. I am a former owner of the CS7.2 speakers.