Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  
Can someone tell me what can be observed when measuring a class a/b amp that indicates its inferiority to pure class A?
In a class A amp as mentioned the output devices never turn off. Unless its a single-ended amp that makes little power, one advantage is that even ordered harmonics are canceled in the speaker load due to the opposing operation of the output devices. In a class A amp this happens at all power levels but not so with class AB.

Execution is a major portion of the differences between various amplifiers. For this reason it is possible to find inferior and superior amps in nearly all categories. I personally think D is going to win out over AB and A simply because of the cost. If done right, the output section is pretty benign and most of the sonic artifact seems to come from the input section and the converters.

Now this has nothing to do with tubes and both traditional solid state and class D still have inroads to make there. I think part of the advantage of D is that its likely that due to its simplicity and the input section being the lion's share of the artifact, that it will be able to eventually challenge tubes in a way that traditional solid state has failed to do (for those that doubt this last statement, if traditional solid state had really been able to challenge tubes, tubes would be a thing of the past. Gone. Nada. They aren't and that's really all anyone needs to know, and there are good sound technical reasons why this is so).

Because there is less to color a D amplifier, it should be easier to create the neutrality and smoothness that tubes have had all along. Not seen it yet, but they get closer every year.
Fact is the times have changed in audio. Digital is blossoming with tech that combines dac, amp, preamp, room correction etc.. all into one or two boxes keeping the signal all digital up until the point the signal is sent to the speaker.

Read all the recent reviews of my Lyngdorf 2170 or the Exogal Comet and Ion amp. The future is here right now. This gear is better than all those Class A /AB amps and separate boxes of tube preamp, dac with extra ICs and power cords. We are really experiencing a very exciting time in audio history. It is happening right now as we type these posts.

I sold my cutting edge and arduously fine tuned tube and SS gear nicely packaged in numerous separates and assorted hook-up wire for today’s exciting digital tech. The sound is better. I would have never believed it, but I experienced it and love the fact that is comes in one cooling running 15 pound package.

Some very special and unrivaled sounding digital gear is currently being introduced and it is nothing short of a sonic revolution. It will sweep our landscape and render our old sonic technology as mere collectors items of days gone by. This is not some sort of small evolutionary change from classic tube gear to modern day tube gear. Rather, this is disruptive change and innovation that will forever change our hobby. This is not somewhere off in the future folks, it is here right now. What a wonderful time to be an audiophile! Especially and essentially if you are an open minded Aphile not blindly holding onto past paradigms and experiences. The cheese has indeed moved. It may take longer for some to fully accept it😊

I still like soldering and building/modding point to point wired tube gear and enjoy the way they sound. However, I know my Lyngdorf is better in every way. While it is fun for me to drop in my latest tube amp project I  fully realize it is a hobby and not SOTA. 
Fact is the times have changed in audio. Digital is blossoming with tech that combines dac, amp, preamp, room correction etc.. all into one or two boxes keeping the signal all digital up until the point the signal is sent to the speaker. 

Read all the recent reviews of my Lyngdorf 2170 or the Exogal Comet and Ion amp. The future is here right now. 
Grannyring - there really hasn't been much discussion on this thread about digital Class D...mostly analog Class D using modules from Hypex and Ice...a few from Pascal & Abletec. Your Lyngdorf appears to use the TI Equibit technology, which combines amp & DSP. Very interesting stuff. 
I am referring to all of it as you pointed out including amplification. The Lyngdorf is completely digital dismissing the need for conventional analog preamp and dac. It is a Class D amp in the digital domain. 

I think Grannyring is right. Even the fairly modest Bel Canto c5i digital integrated amp is evidence of the excellence that can be achieved with newer digital technologies integrated and done well and that it need not cost a fortune. It is a true revelation of the magnitude say of HDTV compared to what was prior. Totally disruptive of what came before and not just another minor tweak or minor improvement on older technologies.