Cable elevators

Hi fellow AG'rs. I seeking advice regarding recommendations for flat/ribbon cable supports. i.e (for Nordost flat speaker cables). Any recommendations? Thanks for your responses in advance.
Try the PVC "T"connectors found in the plumbing dept at Lowes. They are small, inconspicuous and easy to place in your room. Very cost effective and can be painted to blend into the room aesthetics. They are non conductive and do not resonate. A perfect solution!

 I am sure you can come up with many other alternatives just by walking through the store and scanning the shelves. Dowel rods, tee pees, copper conduit, plastic conduit, etc. Just get them off the floor and let them settle for a day or two before making a judgement.  Be creative and don’t be fooled that spending more makes an audible difference. 😉Good Luck! 
audiofool1, unless someone's playing basketball on your wooden floors, I don't see any problem. That, and anything you prop them up on will simply transmit the vibrations up to the cables, opening another can of worms. 

All the best,
Propping the cables up on "Isolators" would minimize the area of the cables exposed to seismic type vibration by quite a bit. Another technique that might be better is suspending the cables and cords from the ceiling with high test fishing line on eye hooks with a rubber band on one end of the fishing line.

You don't need to spend a bunch of money on elevators if you are just a little bit handy.  I made mine out of 2 1/2" poplar boards (4 pieces glued together and sanded) and then ran them through a table saw in the center to cut the slot for the ribbon cable.  See last picture on my system page.  I made a bunch of them for just the cost of the wood.
Wow. Great comments and ideas. I will experiment and see what seems to work best. Thanks to everyone so much for your input.