Have you ever tried a pair of speakers and said this Is the last thing I will ever need.

Hi Audiogoners have you you ever had a local dealer that is so pashonet about audio. That they let you bring in your system for fun and try a $10 000speakers. And you have been to every other local dealers shows and listened to $400 000 and above systems. And then tried a pair of speakers and had so much synergy with your budget system and said omg. This blows all other systems I heard for a fraction of the cost of most others? And have been always happy with that pair of speakers and your system for the rest of your life?

Please share your experience"
Problem solved...Totem speakers sound great anywhere because they are musical instruments.  You can drive them with a Powernode 2 integrated $799!  

I used to live in Richmond Hill, Ontario and there were three stores that carried high end systems within a 30 minute drive.

When I was bored, i’d go around to them all and try systems and speakers just to get an appreciation of how good my system was performing.

Yes - I think my system is extremely  good, but I always found there were things I liked in those other systems. Whether it was the smoothness and classic sound of the big Tannoy’s or the details, clarity and dynamics of the Avant Garde Horns (my current favorite).

I guess which speaker I preferred depends on the day and my mood. Perhaps (ideally) we should all have 2, 3, 4 or even 5 rooms each with different systems, so we can opt for the system that best suites our mood?

In my case, budget tends to be the main thing that constrains my insanity. But that aside - even if I had many SOTA systems I’d have to agree with Randyhat - and "Stay Curious"

wolf, "just sad"?  I'm not.

For one thing, I've been changing out speakers and other major components for so many years I simply grew tired of the process.

But more importantly I found speakers which are so satisfying that I don't feel any need to search further.  Rather like trelja with his Quads.

And then I still have a sufficiently large music collection, plus a number of cartridges I've not even listened to yet, that I can't imagine becoming bored. ;^)

Well said, ASVjerry!  Wasn't sure where you were coming from but I think you are the fortunate one.  After wasting way to much money, not to mention the time and aggravation, I have stepped it back to a very basic setup which puts music first.  Enjoy your system and have fun;)